Death and Bereavement Around The World: Volume 4: Death and Bereavement in Asia, Australia and New Zealand
Hardcover : 166 pages
ISBN-10 : 0895032341
ISBN-13 : 978-0895032348
Product Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Publisher : Routledge; 1st Edition (June 15, 2004)
Language : English
Volume 4: Death and Bereavement in Asia, Australia and New Zealand, concentrates on the consolidation of ancient cultures and modern methods of caring for the dying and grieving.
This is exemplified in the three chapters on Japan, emphasizing traditional beliefs, the history of the death awareness movement, and available palliative care services.
Similar themes are found in the chapters on Korea, China, and Hong Kong. Sections featuring Australia and New Zealand illustrate more fully developed palliative care and bereavement services.
Dr Sandra E.S. Neil, Collaborative Editor and Advisor:
Chapter 1, The Australian Way of Death: Written By Dr Sandra E.S. Neil. Formative Historical and Social Influences by Allan Kellehear (pages 11-22)
Chapter 6, Evolving Japanese Perspectives on Death and Dying by Alfons Deeken (pages 81-94)
Chapter 7, Japanese Religion in Challenging Society: The Spirits of the Dead by Toshiyuki Kubotera (pages 95-100)
Chapter 8, The Care of Dying and Grieving in Japan by Simon Young-suck Moon (pages 109-122)

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About the Editors
John D. Morgan, Ph.D., is a pioneer in the death awareness movement. He earned his doctorate from the University of Southern California and has published on a wide range of topics in the field of death and bereavement, drawn from his work as educator, author, lecturer, and program organizer.
In 1997 he received an award from the Association for Death Education and Counselling for his work in death education.
Dr. Morgan is the series editor of Baywood's Death, Value and Meaning Series. Born in San Francisco, he has resided in Canada since 1963.
Pittu Laungani, M.A., Ph.D., is senior research fellow at Manchester University, England.
Dr. Laungani specializes in multicultural education and counselling, especially grief counselling.
He has published more than 100 learned articles and is a sought-after speaker.
In addition to academic work, he is a recognized novelist and playwright.
Dr. Laungani is on the editorial board of Medicine & Law, International Journal of Group Tensions, and International Journal of Health Promotion and Education.
At present, he is writing another book entitled: It Shouldn't Happen to a Patient: Fourteen Years On! to be published by Baywood and is also working on his fourth play.
Death and Bereavement Around The World
Major Religious Traditions: Volume 1
Death and Bereavement in the Americas: Volume 2
Death and Bereavement in Europe: Volume 3
Death and Bereavement in Asia, Australia and New Zealand: Volume 4
Reflective Essays: Volume 5
