In Family Enrichment Therapy, several family members take
part. Both parents are involved, together with one of the
children whose problems brought the family to treatment
in the first place. At times they are joined by the other
children in the family, or even grandparents.
The aim of Family Enrichment Therapy is to alleviate the
problems that led to the disorder in the identified member,
rather than to achieve some ideal state of a perfect family.
Its principal use is in the treatment of childhood and adolescent
difficulties which affect the other members of the family.
Family Reunions are devised to allow members of a family
or other social group who have been in conflict, to reunite
with each other with peace and love.
We also offer Family of Origin exploration through photographic
analysis and action methods, and family reunions, in two
or more intensive sessions lasting several hours each, to
renew strained connections.
