Who We Are
 About Our Doctors


What are the Aims of the Family Therapy Programme?

  • To help parents cope better with stress and difficulties they experience when raising their child(ren), and to develop together alternative ways of managing the problems and relieving stress.
  • To help parents appreciate and respect differences between people, couples and children.
  • To see all behaviour as an attempt to survive and grow.
  • To enable parents and children to use their own innate abilities to grow and cope.
  • To move the family away from fear, dominance and submission, towards a model of self-responsibility and self-control.
  • To improve communication between parents and children.
  • To learn how to touch one another with meaning through words, feelings or thoughts.

The Family Therapy Programme can identify, clarify, and help with the difficulties experienced by parent(s) of an infant or child in distress.  Treatment plans are individually tailored to include a range of approaches found to help resolve parenting difficulties and assist with child adjustment.  The Family Therapy draws on the professional experience of both its principal psychologist and psychological medicine expert, each with over 30 years of professional experience.  Paediatric and psychiatric consultation can be arranged if required.

What Types of Solutions Does the Centre Provide?

A private professional family therapy offering prompt, confidential, and effective help for mothers, fathers, grandparents, their children and families.

  • Mother/Father/Baby Counselling
  • Mother and Infant/Child Parenting Groups
  • Child and Adolescent Problems
  • Parental and Family Relationship Issues
  • Individual and Couples Counselling
  • Emotional and Physical Problems
  • Grandparenting, Step-Families, Same-Sex Families
  • Trans-generational solutions

What Process Does the Family Therapy Follow?

A thorough assessment of the needs of each family member is undertaken before treatment.  Initially one of the doctors would meet with parent/s and their child(ren) at our offices.  This time is used to learn about the current situation and decide along with parents what will be most helpful for them and their child.

Following assessment, individual therapy sessions will be held with parent(s), or parent(s) together with child(ren).  Sessions revolve around the child(ren)'s needs and the parent(s)' ability to meet these needs.  The focus may centre on child management, parenting skills and/or developing insight and emotional adjustment to the presence of the baby/child in the family.  The number of consultations will vary, as often a brief intervention is sufficient to help.  If there is a need for longer-term help, the Family Therapy Programme will arrange this.  Group therapy is sometimes used to provide additional support.