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Satir Centre of Australia Activities At The International Council Of Psychologists (ICP)

Dr Sandra E. S. Neil, Clinical Psychologist and Family Psychologist, Director The Satir Centre of Australia, Fellow, The Australian Psychological Society, World Area Chair Co-ordinator, The International Council of Psychologists.
Dr Sandra Neil has almost 50 years' experience as a Clinical Psychologist, Family Psychologist And Individual, Marital, and Group Psychotherapist. For the International Council of Psychologists (ICP), she served as President Elect 1997, President 1998, and Past-President 1999. She also serves as ICP World Area Chair Coordinator 2000-present. She has conducted professional workshops on the family, and Human Rights Summits throughout the world. She was Convener of the Scientific Program in Melbourne, Australia, for the ICP's Annual Convention in 1997, IAAP Human Rights World Summit July 2010, Melbourne Australia.
The Founder and Director of the Satir Centre of Australia, Dr Neil is interested in a wide range of clinical problems and therapeutic approaches; and conducts a full-time private multicultural psychology practice in Melbourne, Australia, in addition to her extensive international work. She received specialised training in both psychiatry and psychology at St Vincent's Hospital, Prince Henry's Hospital, and the University of Melbourne, which awarded her a PhD for her research into psychotherapy in obesity and body image problems.
Having published many books, articles, book reviews, television and press interviews in the last 50 years, Dr Neil has also been Convener of the Human Rights World Summits for the ICP at its annual conventions since 1983. Her book published with Dr R.L Silverberg "The Multicultural Family Chess Board" describes a therapy method she uses with individuals, families, and organisations in many countries.

The International Council of Psychologists, Inc. (ICP) is a vibrant, pioneering professional international psychological association. ICP's three name changes reflect the inclusive, innovative, and collaborative nature envisioned by those who established the National Council of Women Psychologists in the USA in 1941. In 1946, the name was changed to International Council of Women Psychologists and women psychologists from all nations were invited to share in furthering the advancement of scientific psychology and its applications throughout the world. In 1959, when membership was opened to all psychologists, the name became The International Council of Psychologists. This expansion enabled ICP to broaden its mission, range of activities, and membership.
In 1962, ICP became incorporated in Connecticut, USA as a 501C3 non-profit educational organization. In 1981, ICP was granted Non-Governmental Consultative Status to The United Nations Economic and Social Council. ICP's Main UN Representatives have held leadership positions, including on the CoNGO (Conference of UN NGOs) board, and in many NGO Committees.

ICP's many activities provide professional opportunities for members to collaborate with each other, with colleagues around te world, and with other associations on matters of professional interest.

ICP is committed to furthering world peace, promoting human rights and promoting collaboration among mental health professionals and social scientists, globally.

The ICP's Website has much more information about its work in conjunction with the United Nations and Human Rights.