Who We Are
 About Our Doctors


The Satir Centre of Australia is required to comply with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, the Commonwealth Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000, the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic), Information Privacy Act 2000, the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme 2018, and all other relevant laws and regulations.  We take very seriously our obligations under the Health Privacy Principles (HPPs) set out in the Victorian Health Records Act(s) and the Australian (National) Privacy Principles (APPs) set out under the Commonwealth Privacy Act(s).  We attempt to take all reasonable steps in order to comply with these Acts and Principles, and to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information that we may hold.  To comply with our obligations under the HPPs and the APPs, we have policies about how we manage information about you and how you may access that information.

In the course of carrying out the medical and/or psychological services provided to you, the doctors or staff of the Satir Centre of Australia may have collected information about you from a variety of sources, including yourself and other members of your treating team.  This might include, for example, information about your health provided by your referring doctor.  Also we may share your information with others, for example, by providing reports to your referring doctor.  This will be done only as necessary for your proper health care, and strictly in confidence.  If there are details you do not wish to have recorded in your file, please discuss this with your doctor.

The legal code in this state establishes privacy and privileged communication.  There are some exceptions to this rule.  In the case of an emergency where there is imminent danger to the client or to other persons, a medical practitioner or psychologist may be required to breach the usual requirement of confidentiality.  The law also requires that child abuse be reported to the appropriate authorities.  A court may order that confidential material be reported in certain circumstances.  In the case of more than one client being seen in the same room (i.e. a couple, family or a group), the legal code may not apply.  However, Dr. Neil and Dr. Silverberg firmly believe in the principle and practice of confidentiality, and strongly recommend that all therapy participants maintain the confidentiality of any information revealed or discussed in therapy.

To receive more information about our policies, please discuss the matter with your doctor.