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United Nations International Day of the Family
The International Day of Families is 15 May every year. Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 47/237 of 20 September 1993, this annual observance reflects the importance the international community attaches to families around the world.

United Nations International Day of the Family May 2012, Vienna

United Nations International Day of the Family May 2012, Vienna, Austria Invited by Professor Dr. Roswith Roth, ICP Delegate to United Nations Vienna, Keynote Address by Dr S. E. Neil and Dr Robert Silverberg; Strengthening Couples and Families The Satir Model.

Keynote Address 14th May 2012 10:00 -11:00
United Nations Office (Headquarters), Vienna, Austria
Presented by Dr. Sandra E. S. Neil, PhD (Psychology), MA (Clinical Psychology), BA, BEd (Counselling), FAPS, Clinical Psychologist and Family Psychologist
Director, The Satir Centre of Australia,
Fellow, The Australian Psychological Society World Area Chair Co-ordinator, The International Council of Psychologists

Dr. Robert L. N. Silverberg, MD, BS, BA, FAAFP
Physician in Psychological Medicine
Director, The Satir Centre of Australia,
Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians
Member of The Australian Medical Association
Member of The American Medical Association

Strengthening Couples And Families The Satir Model (A Half Day Seminar) Abstract:
Why is triangulation more evident in closed family systems within the dominant submission model? How do family exclusions occur? How can couples and families lessen the consequences of inequality? How can couples and families who live with exclusions, triangulation and cut-offs live with less pain and more love?
How can the process of de-triangulation occur? How can we strengthen families?
Dr Neil will address these issues and propose solutions for improvement of couples and family functioning.
Treatment options to enable open systems, gender equality in parenting, de triangulation, and promoting the "Psychology of Compassion" in the family will be discussed.